Steel industry - Professional manufacturer and supplier of fireproof materials

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Steel industry

Scheme configurations refractory

Steel industry

  • Refractories for steel smelting furnace:

Castables and Pre-casting Blocks for EAF Roof
Castables and Preformed Blocks for LF Roof

  • Refractories for ladle and tundish:

Dry tamping mixture for EAF bottom
Dry Tamping Mix for Intermediate Frequency Furnace

  • Functional refractories for Con-casting :

A series of refractory concretes for lining steel ladles
Shaped refractories for ladle
Dry vibrating mix for tundish
Series of coatings for tundishes
Castable for Permanent Tundish Lining

  • Functional refractories for Con-casting :

Slag tile(Dam) and Impact Pad Shroud, Monolithic Stopper and Immersed Entry Nozzle for Workpiece, Plate, Thin slab
Continuous casting)
Zirconium dosing nozzles for Billet continuous casting

  • Refractories for heating furnace

Refractory concrete for working lining of heating furnaces
Plastic Refractories for Heating Furnace
Lightweight insulating concrete products for heating furnaces
Shotcrete mixture for converter and steel ladle
Prefabricated Chrome Corundum Abrasion Resistant Block for Heating Furnace
Refractory fiber products for heating furnaces (felt, blanket, board and module)

  • Refractories for converter :

Magnesium Carbon Brick
Tapping Hole Block
General steel output
Gunning Mix For Tapping Hole
Magnesium Shotcrete Mix
Refractory repair for the converter
Filling material for converter steel outlet
Cold joint material for converter
Hot repair material for converter

Magnesia-carbon brick :

Magnesia carbon bricks are made from alkali magnesium oxide with a high melting point (melting point 2800℃) and carbon materials with high melting points, which are difficult to impregnate with slag as raw material, with the addition of various non-oxide additives and in combination with carbon binders, which do not burn carbon composite refractories. Magnesia carbon brick has good heat resistance, high moisture resistance, good resistance to thermal shock and low creep at high temperatures.

MgO,% ≥827876
C,% ≥81214
Apparent porosity,% ≤654
Bulk density,g/cm3 ≥2.982.952.93
Cold crush strength,MPa ≥303540
Modules from Razriv(1400*0.5h),MPa ≥5812

Magnesia brick :

Magnesia brick contains periclase as the main crystalline phase, which is the main product in alkali refractories. It has high fire resistance and good resistance to iron oxides, alkaline slag and fluxes with high calcium content.

MgO,% ≥929596.897.5
SiO2,% ≤
CaO,% ≥
Apparent porosity,% ≤18181615
Bulk density,g/cm3 ≥2.922.953.103.15
Cold crush strength,MPa ≥55607080
0.2MPa R-U-L ,℃ ≥1550160017001700
thermal shock resistance,1100℃ ≥101088

Sand-lime bricks :

Sand-lime brick is made from quartz stone, SiO2 content exceeds 93%, It has good acid slag resistance and good thermal conductivity. And the fire resistance is 1690~1710°C, RU L exceeds 1620°C.

Bricks for furnace wallsChecker brick
Chemical compositionSiO2≥95
Apparent porosity %≤22≤24
Real density g/cm3≤2.33≤2.34
Cold crush strength MPa≥40≥30
0.2MPa R-U-L ℃≥1650
Residual quartz %≤1.5
Creep rate% 0.2MPa 1500℃ 0h~50h≤0.8
Thermal Expansion Rate% 1000℃≤1.28

Unshaped refractory material for the steel industry:

Aluminum-magnesium spinel CastableCorundum spinel CastableLow cement high alumina CastableArtesian mullite Castable
MgO,% ≥133.5
Al2O, % ≥70927075
Fe2O, % ≤1.21.0
Real Density,g/cm3 ≥
Modules Gap,MPa ≥69.2 1400℃*0.5h910
Cold crush strength, MPa ≥426465100
Ramp speed,% 1500℃*3h±1.00~0.5±0.60~-0.5

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